
Music List -- Others

Bill  Cosby My appreciation
all music guide to jazz all music guide to jazz
Columbia Jazz Columbia Jazz Super Star Hits
Jazz in Paris Jazz & cinema vol. 1
Jazz in Paris Jazz In Paris - Bebop
Jazz in Paris Jazz sous l'occupation
others big band sound
others Columbia Jazz Super Singers Hits
others El Milagro De Candeal
others Flying Funk
others Flying Jazz Grooves
others history of the big bands
others Into the blue
others Jazz Cafe At The Movies
others Jazz Movie Theater
others Jazz 'Round Midnight
others Lyrical Moments in Jazz ... from europe into the world
others Modern Jazz Classics
others nowjazz
others Portrait In Jazz
others Priceless Jazz Sampler
others Selected Signs
others sleepless in the jazz world
others summer jazz
others The Encyclopedia of Jazz Music
others The Watt Works Family Album
others Ultimate Jazz
others The Best Blue Note Album In The World Ever
the history of jazz the big band period
the history of jazz The Soul-Funk Movement
the history of jazz the swing era



Ghost In The Shell 攻殼機動隊

: 我看GIS系列的順序是: Ghost In The Shell:stand alone complex(TV版) Ghost In The Shell:innocence(電影版第二集)


之前看到客家新聞雜誌針對新埔桌訓做的報導:台灣乒未來 裡面很清楚地介紹了新埔桌訓,以及點出不少台灣桌球界的問題 甚至,我覺得這些其實是台灣運動界的共有問題 請先看這兩段影片吧 (如果只想看裡面提到的問題,請直接看第2段; 但我強力建議從第一個影片開始看,因為可以看到葉教練用心帶球隊,還有球員們很認真用心練球的過程)