
[youtube] Pet Shop Boy -- Go west

Pet Shop Boy應該算電子音樂始祖級的團體了
但這首Go West則是從以前就有注意到的
最近聽了Pet Shop Boy在live 8的現場演出Go West

ps:順手找了一下資料,Go West的某個版本似乎是同性戀國歌之一?!

Pet Shop Boys - Go West Lyrics

Come on, come on, come on, come on

(Together) We will go our way
(Together) We will leave someday
(Together) Your hand in my hands
(Together) We will make our plans

(Together) We will fly so high
(Together) Tell all our friends goodbye
(Together) We will start life new
(Together) This is what we'll do

(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we're gonna do

(Go West, this is what we're gonna do, Go West)

(Together) We will love the beach
(Together) We will learn and teach
(Together) Change our pace of life
(Together) We will work and strive

(I love you) I know you love me
(I want you) How could I disagree?
(So that's why) I make no protest
(When you say) You will do the rest

(Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) In the open air
(Go West) Baby you and me
(Go West) This is our destiny (Aah)

(Go West) Sun in wintertime
(Go West) We will do just fine
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West, this is what we're gonna do)

There where the air is free
We'll be (We'll be) what we want to be (Aah aah aah aah)
Now if we make a stand (Aah)
We'll find (We'll find) our promised land (Aah)

(I know that) There are many ways
(To live there) In the sun or shade
(Together) We will find a place
(To settle) Where there's so much space

(Without rush) And the pace back east
(The hustling) Rustling just to feed
(I know I'm) Ready to leave too
(So that's what) We are gonna do

(What we're gonna do is
Go West) Life is peaceful there
(Go West) There in the open air
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we're gonna do

(Life is peaceful there)
Go West (In the open air)
Go West (Baby, you and me)
Go West (This is our destiny)

Come on, come on, come on, come on

(Go West) Sun in wintertime
(Go West) We will feel just fine
(Go West) Where the skies are blue
(Go West) This is what we're gonna do

(Come on, come on, come on)
(Go West)

(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Go West)
(Go, ooh, go, yeah)
(Gimme a feelin')
(Gimme a feelin')
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin')
(Gimme a feelin')
(Go West)
(Gimme a feelin')
(Gimme a feelin')


  1. 因為"Go West" - "向西方前進吧!" 是美國向大西部發展殖民的口號,那裡象徵著自由跟新天新地,被視為同性戀解放的意思。另外一個原因應該是 Go West的原唱Village People是同性戀天團的關係 XDDD

  2. 我去找了Village People的Go West原唱版本了






之前看到客家新聞雜誌針對新埔桌訓做的報導:台灣乒未來 裡面很清楚地介紹了新埔桌訓,以及點出不少台灣桌球界的問題 甚至,我覺得這些其實是台灣運動界的共有問題 請先看這兩段影片吧 (如果只想看裡面提到的問題,請直接看第2段; 但我強力建議從第一個影片開始看,因為可以看到葉教練用心帶球隊,還有球員們很認真用心練球的過程)

FW: 以毒攻毒、種痘不得痘──人類戰痘的免疫史 (中)

【文/江漢聲(作者為輔仁大學醫學院院長)】 如果要說「以毒攻毒」,那麼同樣在十八世紀出現的「順勢療法」(Homeopathy)才是最激烈的一種另類療法。德國的哈內曼(C. FS. Hahnemann)觀察金雞納樹皮發熱,用來治療瘧疾的熱很有效,於是他提出以症狀相似的狀況來治療症狀,像辣椒治療發燒、鴉片治療昏睡症;他說引起疾病的原因就是治療疾病的根本,所以他反對「對抗性」的治療,像以鎮靜劑來治療亢奮,或抗菌劑來殺菌,他的用藥原則是以少量的藥物來加強生命力,使生命力元氣增加,就可以消除症狀。這些藥物如果大量或過量中毒就是病人的病因,所以他把任何酊劑都稀釋成為無害的藥物做各種病的治療。這種療法馬上在歐美廣為流行,甚至有「同源療法」(isopathotherapy)的學派產生,主張直接用疾病的病源來治病,像以淋病膿汁治淋病,口服寄生蟲來治寄生蟲,如此「以毒攻毒」的作法也太荒謬了一些。 中國人最早迎戰天花 其實那時候最毒的傳染病是天花,「以毒攻毒」的理論似乎就是免疫學的靈感,但並沒有人想到用在天花。十八世紀時,天花在歐洲已散佈了至少兩百年,沒人知道它從什麼地方來,只知道它愈來愈普遍,在所有傳染病中,像天花這種容易感染給小孩的最為凶猛,有20%到40%的死亡率。在1719年一次流行中,巴黎就死了1萬4千人,1770年印度死亡人數超過300萬,全歐洲沒有一個國家不受其蹂躪,據估計,十八世紀共奪走歐洲6000萬人的性命。這種病毒感染,會使一個人突然高燒、頭痛、背痛、嘔吐和譫妄,進入緊急狀況,到三、四天後,皮膚出現紅色斑點,幾天後轉變成膿泡。這些膿泡多半出現在臉部眼睛,也會出現在前臂、四肢,如果病人存活下來,幾個星期後膿泡會結痂脫落,但就留下永遠無法消除的疤痕,稱之為天花。在十七、十八世紀間,全倫敦有三分之一的人口帶著天花,而三分之二的盲人是由於天花所引起的。 在東方的中國,似乎更早受到天花的毒害。在古籍《皇帝內經》中並無記載,所以相傳是漢代馬援西征所帶回來的傳染病,在東晉開始流行,稱之為「虜瘡」,隋唐時則稱為「豌豆瘡」。巢元方《諸病源候論》已有詳細敘述,〈時氣皰瘡候〉中認為這種全身都是的皰瘡,行如登豆,又稱「登豆瘡」,外形紫黑,則毒氣重;到了宋朝才稱為豆瘡,後來改「豆」為「痘」;明朝時天花已經常流行而成為一種常見的疾病。 相當於西方十七世紀的中國明朝末年,中國天花流行的情況據說有